University Hall
2006-10-24 0:08:08
Seven-storey complex with a gross floor area of 29,000 sq m. Houses the key administrative units of NUS. Completed in 2005 but Google Earth's pix of Singapore were taken sometime between June and October 2004.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
2006-10-24 0:08:08
the coolest people hang out here ... ;)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
2006-10-24 0:08:08
yup, it's "a name you can trust". LKY is, of course, architect of the Singapore dream.
School of Dentistry
2006-10-24 0:08:08
say AHHH ... now say OUCH ... (sorry couldn't resist the lame joke)
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
2006-10-24 0:08:08
interim building until permanent housing next to the University Cultural Centre is ready in 2006.
Data Storage Institute
2006-10-24 0:08:09
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source
2006-10-24 0:08:09
something to do with semiconductors, microelectronics "superconducting, storage rings" synchrotron radiation ... if you really have to know:
University Cultural Centre
2006-10-24 0:08:09
also used for classical concerts film screenings, Asian Television Awards, political rallies etc ...
Kent Ridge Guild House
2006-10-24 0:08:09
another alumni perk run by the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS).
Faculty Club
2006-10-24 0:08:09
students won't hang out with you after lectures? who needs them! and a good thing they're not allowed in here. bah.
Alumni House
2006-10-24 0:08:09
the Alumni House is open 8.30am to 6pm, M to Th; 8.30am - 5.30pm, F. a planned Alumni Complex should be ready by mid-2007. I'm just thankfull they didn't name it the "Alumni Hub". ;)
Yusof Ishak House
2006-10-24 0:08:09
the Alumni House is open 8.30am to 6pm, M to Th; 8.30am - 5.30pm, F. a planned Alumni Complex should be ready by mid-2007. I'm just thankfull they didn't name it the "Alumni Hub". ;)
Computer Centre
2006-10-24 0:08:09
the Alumni House is open 8.30am to 6pm, M to Th; 8.30am - 5.30pm, F. a planned Alumni Complex should be ready by mid-2007. I'm just thankfull they didn't name it the "Alumni Hub". ;)
Central and Chinese libraries
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
National University Hospital
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
Singapore Institute of Management
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
Singapore Management University
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
2006-10-24 0:08:09
floors and floors of books and films - all properly censored, mind you, not like university students can handle Peter Greenaway. lotsa floors also means plenty of nooks and crannies for clandestine coupling amidst the stacks ...