Monorail Senri Chuo

2006-10-24 0:03:40
Osaka Monorail

Monorail Yamada

2006-10-24 0:03:40
Osaka Monorail Change here for Hankyu Senri Line

Osaka Monorail Change here for Hankyu Senri Line

Midosuji Shin Osaka

2006-10-24 0:03:40
Change here for the Shinkansen or standard JR rails

Midosuji Shinsaibashi

2006-10-24 0:03:40
Change here for the Shinkansen or standard JR rails


2006-10-24 0:04:19


2006-10-24 0:04:19
位于东京市内,建成于1958年,塔高333米,是日本最高的独立铁塔。 东京塔是东京的最高点。


2006-10-24 0:04:19
位于东京市内,建成于1958年,塔高333米,是日本最高的独立铁塔。 东京塔是东京的最高点。


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于传统的木塔式结构的建筑内。展示着史前以后的韩国建筑、服饰、农耕、信仰等生活方式方面的文物, 共4,000余件展品, 分别陈列在三个展厅, 十五个展室内。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是高宗的书房, 有时会见外国使者或为举行宴会的场所。内部装修具有中国风格既豪华又精致。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
坐落在景福宫后苑莲池中央的小岛上, 呈六角形。因为"6"象征"水", 盖在池边的亭子常取"六"字。与香远亭连接的渡桥叫为"醉响桥", 与池亭和谐为一体, 更增雅趣。香远亭西北边小泉"冽上真源"的泉水流入莲池。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
坐落在景福宫后苑莲池中央的小岛上, 呈六角形。因为"6"象征"水", 盖在池边的亭子常取"六"字。与香远亭连接的渡桥叫为"醉响桥", 与池亭和谐为一体, 更增雅趣。香远亭西北边小泉"冽上真源"的泉水流入莲池。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
坐落在景福宫后苑莲池中央的小岛上, 呈六角形。因为"6"象征"水", 盖在池边的亭子常取"六"字。与香远亭连接的渡桥叫为"醉响桥", 与池亭和谐为一体, 更增雅趣。香远亭西北边小泉"冽上真源"的泉水流入莲池。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是国王和大臣举行宴会的场所, 正面10间, 侧面4间, 为两层楼阁, 建于太宗12年(1412)。楼阁造型被誉为韩国之最, 方型河池上耸立的石柱楼阁, 看似巨大楼阁漂浮在池上, 显得相当壮丽。烧毁于壬辰倭乱, 重建于高宗4年(1867)。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
建于高宗4年(1867), 是处理国事的场所。正面10间, 侧面4间, 基座较高。此处原为集贤殿, 壬辰倭乱时被烧毁。高宗时期与景福宫同时重建。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
建于高宗4年(1867), 在重建景福宫时, 为赵大妃(神贞王后)而建。正面10间, 侧面4间, 东有清燕楼, 西有协庆堂, 相互连接。烧毁于1874年, 重建于高宗25年(1888)。 慈庆殿后边有红砖墙壁叫做 "十长生烟囱" , 墙上雕刻"十长生", 墙顶冠上10个屋状烟囱盖, 以便排烟, 这就是十长生烟囱。在狭窄的殿后, 将墙兼做烟囱, 刻上华丽的花纹。如此围墙, 庭园及烟囱合为一体, 呈现匠人的智慧和工艺。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是王妃的寝殿, 这里的特点是没有屋脊。与此同时, 康宁殿、昌德宫大造殿、昌庆宫通明殿都没有屋脊, 这些建筑均为国王和王妃的寝殿。1917年拆除该殿, 在此处重建昌德宫大造殿。经1995年的重建, 恢复了历史原貌。 将交泰殿后丘称为"峨嵋山", 源自中国四川省的山名。建造庆会楼莲池时, 将池土堆成一座人工丘陵―峨嵋山。台阶上的花草, 花岗岩石盆上的怪石, 呈六角形红砖烟囱上的秀丽花纹, 构成一幅幅秀丽的画面。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是国王的寝殿。建于太祖4年(1395), 烧毁于壬辰倭乱(1592), 高宗4年(1867)与景福宫同时重建。1917年昌德宫内殿被烧毁重建时, 将景福宫的宫殿(包括康宁殿在内)迁至此处, 并将该殿作为昌德宫的熙政堂。经1995年的重建, 恢复了历史原貌。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是国王的寝殿。建于太祖4年(1395), 烧毁于壬辰倭乱(1592), 高宗4年(1867)与景福宫同时重建。1917年昌德宫内殿被烧毁重建时, 将景福宫的宫殿(包括康宁殿在内)迁至此处, 并将该殿作为昌德宫的熙政堂。经1995年的重建, 恢复了历史原貌。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是国王的寝殿。建于太祖4年(1395), 烧毁于壬辰倭乱(1592), 高宗4年(1867)与景福宫同时重建。1917年昌德宫内殿被烧毁重建时, 将景福宫的宫殿(包括康宁殿在内)迁至此处, 并将该殿作为昌德宫的熙政堂。经1995年的重建, 恢复了历史原貌。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
位于勤政殿后边, 为国王的办公地点。"思政"意味着国王深思国事, 细心虚理。]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
是景福宫正殿, 文武百官朝会和举行各种国家仪式的大殿。高宗4年(1867)由兴宣大院君重建, 在花纹华丽的两坛站台上, 覆以两层重檐, 显得雄伟壮观。殿内有宝座和宝盖, 殿身四周以回廊相接, 殿前铺平石板, 此外, 配色华丽的丹青, 造型秀丽的鬼拱包, 使建筑更为庄严肃穆,异常壮丽。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10


2006-10-24 0:05:10


2006-10-24 0:05:10
"兴礼门"在《景福宫全图》和《宫阙志》等朝鲜初期画图或书籍上记载为"弘礼门"。其名称之由来可以追溯到中国清代, 中国清代乾隆皇帝之名字叫 "弘历", 故而得名。但当时借用皇帝的名字是一种讳言。因此, 到了朝鲜末期(高宗)把它改为"兴礼", 自从把它称做为"兴礼门"。 ??"兴礼门" 是二楼建筑, 位于光化门和勤政门之间。其构造十分坚实, 上下楼皆为正面三间和侧面二间。"兴礼门一带" 指的除了光化门以外的第二个宫门, 范围为从兴礼门直达勤政门的地带。这里不仅是保卫国王的, 而且是设有军事部门的重要地区。以前日帝把泥土堆至高一米五后, 上面建造朝鲜总督部。这次工程着重削丘平整地面, 恢复了当年的原貌。 ]]>


2006-10-24 0:05:10
光化门是景福宫的正门, 有三座拱门, 二层门楼俯瞰世宗路.日本帝国主义为兴建总督府, 1927年曾将它迁至目前的国立民俗博物馆入口, 1968年迁回原址恢复原貌。匾额"光化门"是已故朴正熙总统的题字。左右两旁陈放着石雕獬豸, 是用角顶撞不正派人的传说动物, 表示进入宫廷的官员言行应该要谨慎。 ]]>

Pragati Maidan

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Delhi's primary fairground, this is where a lot of prominent conventions and conferences are held.

Old fort

2006-10-24 0:05:38
aka Purana Quila, this is one of the many forts in Delhi. It is now home to the zoo and there is a light and music show that is held here that's worth seeing (at least it was the last time I went 5-7 years ago)

India gate

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Memorial built to honor the Indian soldiers who died in World War II.

Sunder Nagar Market

2006-10-24 0:05:38
A decently well-known market in Delhi, best known to tourists for its arts and crafts stores and best known to locals for the "Sweets Corner" fast food store.

Sweets Corner

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Good food!

Lodhi road

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Home to one of the nicest parks and neighborhoods in Delhi.

Jawarhalal Nehru Stadium

2006-10-24 0:05:38
A lot of sporting events and the occasional musical concert is performed here. In the 1980s, when I lived in Delhi, Peter Gabriel, Youssnodour (sp?), Sting and a bunch of other musicians performed here for the Amnesty Human Rights Concert.

Moolchand Flyover

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This is a busy "flyover" (ie overpass) in Delhi, head west from here and you get to South Extension market, the Hyatt Regency and Bhikaji Cama Place. There's also a well known and old hospital on the north-east corner of this flyover.

Archana Cinema

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Used to be a movie theater, but is now a shopping arcade and office building. It's still known as Archana Cinema though and well known as a landmark in Delhi (must have been famous in its time). It's located in Greater Kailash Part I. Home to one of Ritu's location (Ritu's is a designer Indian clothing brand).

Humayan's Tomb

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Used to be a movie theater, but is now a shopping arcade and office building. It's still known as Archana Cinema though and well known as a landmark in Delhi (must have been famous in its time). It's located in Greater Kailash Part I. Home to one of Ritu's location (Ritu's is a designer Indian clothing brand).

Safdarjang Airport

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This airport is now defunct. It happens to be where one of the Gandhi sons, Sanjay Gandhi, died in a plane crash. There's a nice aviation museum right next to this airport.

Samrat Hotel

2006-10-24 0:05:38
To relatively old, but good, hotels in Delhi.

Ashoka Hotel

2006-10-24 0:05:38
Was the hottest hotel in Delhi in its time.

American Embassy School (AES)

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This is a school attended by a lot of children of American diplomats, and recently, children of people that work for multi-national companies that are stationed in Delhi. It was a great school when I went there, and I think it still is today. They have a great academic program with full IB and AP curriculum (for high schoolers).

Mater Dei

2006-10-24 0:05:38
All girl's school in New Delhi

Baha'i Lotus Temple

2006-10-24 0:05:38
All girl's school in New Delhi

Siri Fort Auditoriam

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This whole complex was built up for the Asiad games held in Delhi in the early 1980s. It's now a place to catch great plays, have a meal or go shopping.

Chirag Delhi Flyover

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This whole complex was built up for the Asiad games held in Delhi in the early 1980s. It's now a place to catch great plays, have a meal or go shopping.

Nehru Place

2006-10-24 0:05:38
This is one of Delhi's high-tech markets. If you are looking for anything computer hardware or software, this is a good place to go.