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 旅游出行 >> Temple of Olympian Zeus卫星地图   


Temple of Olympian Zeus卫星地图 (希腊奥运会场馆)

The largest ancient temple in Greece is the Temple of Olympian Zeus.

In ca. 515 B.C., Peisistratos the Younger, began the construction of a monumental temple which was not finished because of the fall of the tyranny in Athens. Much later, in 174 B.C., Antiochos IV Epiphanes, the king of Syria, attempted to continue the erection of the temple, which was finally completed by the Roman emperor Hadrian, in A.D. 124/125. Inside the temple stood a colossal chryselephantine (gold and ivory) statue of Zeus.

The temple was dedicated to the supreme god Zeus and 14 of its original 104 very tall Corinthian style columns still stand today.

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