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 旅游出行 >> Temple of Nike卫星地图   


Temple of Nike卫星地图 (希腊奥运会场馆)

The Nike (Victory) Temple stands on the remains of a Mycenaean fortification of Cyclopean masonry, originally several meters higher than the present bastion. By the 6th century B.C. a cult worshipping Athena as goddess of victory, had been established in the same location, and by ca. 490 B.C. a small poros temple and several altars had been built. The temple described above in the Plan description was begun in 427 B.C. and completed in 425/424 B.C. Ca. 410 B.C. the famous carved parapet was constructed around the temple, and the entire area is sometimes referred to as the Nike Parapet. Also on the bastion were shrines of the Graces and Artemis Epipyrgidia (on the Tower).

Bastion and Temple

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