旅游出行 [中国各省] [世界各国] [公交线路] [5A景区] [5A酒店]
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 旅游出行 >> Kinkakuji卫星地图   


Kinkakuji卫星地图 (日本大阪城市指南)

This temple contains Japan's second largest wooden structure. The marker is on the building, which is known as Taishi-do or Goei-do. It was built by the Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The monks of this sect were strong enough to be a problem to the shoguns. The original temple is just to the east, Nishi Hogan-ji. It's experience several fires, but the last one in 1864 wiped out all of the buildings and treasures they contained. The rebuilding of the structures went from 1879 and 1911.

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