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 旅游出行 >> Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (AIR)卫星地图   


Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (AIR)卫星地图 (希腊奥运会场馆)

The Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (named after the famous Greek Prime Minister that formed a new government at the beginning of the 20th century), is one of the most important guarantees for the smooth functioning of the Athens Olympic Games.

Olympic website

It is located at Spata, Athens and was inaugurated on 28 March 2001. It promises to be Europe's new southern gateway to the world. The airport is operating with the most advanced technologies and equipment, with its focus on safety, user-friendliness and service excellence. It is designed to accommodate 16 million passengers per year (600 daily landings to and from Athens). This modern, safe, reliable and competitive airport solidifies Greece's position in the international transport network. The project is one of the greatest infrastructure works ever constructed or implemented in Greek history.

The airport, like other modern airports around the world, has all the latest amenities available to the travelling public. These services include business centres, restaurants, banking, postal facilities and Greek Tourism services. Additionally, the airport has the first Olympic Games Store in Greece, with licensed products bearing the emblem of ATHENS 2004.

Aerial view

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