Quanzhou City in Fujian Province (Administrative division) Satellite maps
Overview.Geographical coordinates.Total area of square kilometres.The end of 2003, the city's household registration population. Million, of which non-agricultural population. 000.Municipal People's Government in that Zip code:.Administrative division code:.Code:.Pinyin:.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Administrative divisionAs at December 31, 2005,.Area of 11,244 square kilometres, population 6.66 million (2004).* Here Quhuadiming information as at December 2005; area and population data in accordance with "the People's Republic of administrative divisions booklet (2006)", the population at the end of 2004.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------HistoryIn 2000, according to the fifth national census data: total population of people.Of which: people, people.
Quanzhou City in Fujian Province geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/26 17:59:00)
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