Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province (Administrative division) Satellite maps

OverviewLiupanshui City, a total area of 9,914 square kilometres.The end of 2003 the total population of 2.975 million people, including non-agricultural population of 573,600 people.Municipal People's Government in Zhongshan Qu, Zip code: 553001.Administrative division code: 520200.Code: 0858.Pinyin: Liupanshui Shi.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Administrative divisionAs at December 31, 2005, a Shixia Liupanshui City area, two counties, an SAR.Liupanshui City area of 9,914 square kilometres, population 2.96 million (2004).Zhongshan Qu area of 476 square kilometres, population 430,000.ZIP code 553000.District People's Government in the road.Panxian area of 4057 square kilometres, population 1.17 million.ZIP code 561601.County People's Government in Hong Guo town.Shuicheng County area of 3589 square kilometres, population 740,000.ZIP code 553000.County People's Government in the overcharging坝镇.6 of the 1792 square km and population 620,000.ZIP code 553400.People's Government in the SAR-Zhaizhen.* Here Quhuadiming information as at December 2005; area and population data in accordance with "the People's Republic of administrative divisions booklet (2006)", the population at the end of 2004.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------HistoryIn 2000, according to the fifth national census data: Liupanshui City, the total population 2744085 people.Of which: Zhongshan Qu 453,293 people, six SAR 541,762 people, 678,228 people Shuicheng County, Panxian 1070802 people.2003, the entire Shixia two counties, a Special Administrative Region, an area, 30 towns, four neighborhood offices, 64 townships (of which 50 nationality townships), 146 neighborhood committees, 1,679 village committees.The end of the total population 2.975 million people, including non-agricultural population of 573,600 people.2004, the city's total of four streets, 30 towns, 14 townships and 50 nationality townships.May 20, 2003, the Ministry of Civil Affairs approved (the letter [2003] 99) agreed with the Shuicheng County People's Government in Liupanshui City resident from Zhongshan Qu Huangtupo offices moved to the streets over坝镇Shuicheng County.

Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/26 17:59:00)
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