The Republic of Honduras (American States) Satellite maps
The name: the Republic of Honduras (The Republic of Honduras)Independence Day: September 15 (1821)National Day: September 15 (1821)Flag: a horizontal rectangle, the length and width ratio of 2:1.The equivalent of three parallel horizontal rectangular form, top-down followed by blue, white and blue; middle of five white rectangular blue Wu Jiaoxing.The national flag colors from the original color of the flag of the Central American Federation.Blue symbol of the Caribbean and the Pacific, a white symbol of the search for peace; five Wu Jiaoxing was added in 1866, expressed the composition of the Central American Federation of the five countries will once again achieve the aspirations.National Emblem: the middle of the Oval, on the triangle symbol of equality and justice, two buildings Tazhuang symbol of sovereignty and independence, marine symbol of the country in the Caribbean and the Pacific between the geographical location, on either side of the oval-shaped upper decorated with Safflower croissants logo, symbol of the country's rich natural resources; arrow at the top with a bouquet of that of the indigenous population.Oval-shaped logo remain on the hillside, on a hillside of evergreen pines and labor tools, the symbol of Maya culture housing, in the Oval around in Spanish read "the Republic of Honduras, September 15, 1821" and "Freedom, sovereignty and independence."National political figures: President Ricardo Maduro (Ricardo Maduro), 2001年11 he was elected, in January 2002 inauguration.Physical Geography: 112,000 square kilometers.Located in the northern part of Central America.North Caribbean, South Pacific Dying of the Gulf of Fonseca, East, South at the junction with Nicaragua and El Salvador, Guatemala border with the West.Honduran soldiersPopulation: 7 million (2005).Indo-European mixed account for 86 per cent, 10 per cent Indians, blacks accounted for 2 percent, whites accounted for two percent.The official language is Spanish.Most residents believe in the Catholic Church.Capital: Tegucigalpa (Tegucigalpa) (constitutional provisions from the capital of Tegucigalpa city Comayaguela together).History: The original place of residence for the Indian Maya, 1502 Columbus landed here, named "Honduras" (Spanish word for "the abyss").Early 16th century reduced to a colony of Spain.September 15, 1821 independence.June 1823 to participate in the Central American Federation, in 1838 after the breakup of the establishment of the Federal Republic.Politics: the 1982 Constitution, the Republic of Honduras implemented, democratic and representative.National Assembly as the supreme legislative body.President Heads of State and Government, the right to control the country.Cabinet is the executive body, led by the president directly.Diplomacy: advocated respect for all peoples to self-determination and non-interference principle.Reproduced:
The Republic of Honduras geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/28 9:48:00)
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