Chaozhou City in Guangdong Province (Administrative division) Satellite maps

OverviewChaozhou City, a total area of 3,078 square kilometres.Total population of 2.48 million (2003).Municipal People's Government in Xiangqiao, Zip code: 521000.Administrative division code: 445100.Code: 0768.Pinyin: Chaozhou Shi.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Administrative divisionAs at December 31, 2005, Chaozhou City Shixia an area, two counties, nine streets, 41 towns.Chaozhou City area of 3078 square kilometres, population 2.48 million (2003).Xiangqiao area of 176 square kilometres, population 340,000.ZIP code 521000.Chao Anxian area of 1232 square kilometres, population 1.18 million.ZIP code 515638.County People's Government in the United Buzhen.Raoping county area of 1670 square kilometres, population 960,000.ZIP code 515700.Huanggang Prefecture People's Government in the town.* Here Quhuadiming information as at December 2005; area and population data in accordance with "the People's Republic of administrative divisions booklet (2005)", the population at the end of 2003.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------HistoryIn 2000, according to the fifth national census data: Chaozhou City, the total population 2402068; Xiangqiao District 363,582 Chaoan Xian 1153196 Raoping County, 885,290 (based on past administrative division; units:)2002, exempted a city area, two counties, nine streets, 43 towns.2004, exempted a city area, the two counties.

Chaozhou City in Guangdong Province geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/26 17:59:00)
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