Xuchang City in Henan Province (Administrative division) Satellite maps

OverviewXuchang City, a total area of 4,977 square kilometres.Total population of 4.45 million (2002).Municipal People's Government in all areas Wei, China: 461,000.Administrative division code: 411000.Code: 0374.Pinyin: Xuchang Shi.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Administrative divisionAs at December 31, 2005, a Shixia Xuchang City area, three counties and two county-level cities hosting; city a total of 18 streets and 35 towns and 43 townships.Xuchang City area of 4,977 square kilometres, population 4.46 million (2003).Wei is 67 square km area, population 380,000 people.ZIP code 461000.Yu City area of 1472 square kilometres, population 1.19 million people.ZIP code 461670.Changge City area of 650 square kilometres, population 690,000 people.ZIP code 461500.Xuchang county area of 1002 square kilometres, population 800,000 people.ZIP code 461100.County People's Government in Xuchang City, Wei all areas.Yanling county area of 866 square kilometres, population 620,000 people.ZIP code 461200.County People's Government in the Lingzhen.Xiangcheng county area of 920 square kilometres, population 780,000 people.ZIP code 461700.County People's Government in the Chengguan town.* Here size, population data in accordance with "the People's Republic of administrative divisions booklet (2005)," By the end of 2003 the population.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------HistoryJanuary 18, 1986, the State Council for approval, to Xuchang City, was promoted to level cities, in their original Xuchang County, Yu, Changge, Xuchang, 4 Yanling County, was placed under the jurisdiction of Xuchang City.In 2000, according to the fifth national census data: Xuchang City, the total population 4124086; Wei are 373,387 Xuchang County District 737,384 Yanling County, 564,477 Xiangcheng County, 679,863-yu si 1122669 Changge City 646,306 (based on past administrative division; units: )

Xuchang City in Henan Province geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/26 17:59:00)
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