Bayannaoer League in Inner Mongolia (Administrative division) Satellite maps

OverviewBayannaoer City at the western Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Total area of 65,788 square kilometres.Population 1.79 million (2004).Municipal People's Government in the Linhe Xinhua East Street, Zip code: 015001.Administrative division code: 150800.Code: 0478.Pinyin: Bayannao'er Shi.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Administrative division2005, a Bayannaoer Shixia City area, two counties, four flag.Bayannaoer City area of 65,788 square kilometres, population 1.79 million (2004).Linhe area of 2354 square km and a population of 550,000.ZIP code 015001.District People's Government in Qingfeng Street East.Five County area of 2493 square kilometres, population 280,000.ZIP code 015100.County People's Government in the Longxingchangzhen.Deng Kouxian area of 4,167 square kilometres, population 120,000.ZIP code 015200.County People's Government in the town of Le Bayan high.乌拉特前旗area of 7,476 square kilometres, population 340,000.ZIP code 014400.Flag People's Government in the Urals town.Wu Late in the flag of 22,606 square km and population 140,000.ZIP code 015300.Flag People's Government in the current map town.Wu Late after the flag of 24,925 square kilometres, population 60,000.ZIP code 015500.Flag of the People's Government in the Bayindulan-grid town.Hangjinhouqi area of 1767 square kilometres, population 300,000.ZIP code 015400.Zhushan坝镇flag People's Government.* Quhuadiming information here until December 2005; area and population data in accordance with "the People's Republic of administrative divisions booklet (2006)", the population At the end of 2004.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------HistoryIn 2000, according to the fifth national census data: the total population Bayannaoer UNITA 1682662 people.Of which: Linhe City, 510,965 people, 269,082 of the county, Deng Kouxian 117,561 people,乌拉特前旗319,376 people, Wu Late in the flag of 133,309 people, Wu Late flag after 48,090 people, Hangjinhouqi 284,279 people.December 1, 2003, the State Council for approval (of the letter [2003] No. 121) agreed with the revocation of Bayannaoer UNITA, the establishment of prefecture-level city Bayannaoer: (1) Bayannaoer UNITA and the revocation of Linhe City, the county level, the establishment of level Bayannaoer City.Municipal People's Government in the newly established Linhe Xinhua Strand.(2) the establishment of Linhe City Bayannaoer.Linhe City to the original county-level administrative region to Linhe administrative region, the District People's Government in Qingfeng Street East.(3) Bayannaoer Bayannaoer Shixia former UNITA乌拉特前旗, Wu Late in the flag after flag Wu Late, Hangjinhouqi, the five original counties, Dengkou Xian and the newly established Linhe.2005, Wu Late flag after the Ukrainian People's Government of the resident from赛Bayindulan moved to the town of grid-jin (Ministry of Civil Affairs on July 8, 2005 approved the letter [2005] 158).

Bayannaoer League in Inner Mongolia geographical coordinates (Google maps satellite map Landmark) finishing date: (2006/9/26 17:59:00)
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